Holy Cross offers two options for online giving. You may set up one-time or recurring deductions using Simply Giving (provided through Vanco) or PayPal.




Both online giving options have transaction fees subtracted from the amount donated. The fees vary depending on the option you choose. Here is some guidance to help you decide the best fit for you and Holy Cross.

  • The option with the lowest transaction fee, and the option that is recommended by the Board of Stewardship, is the Simply Giving option using your checking or savings account. The transaction fee is $0.25 per transaction and .15% of the transaction amount. For example, a contribution of $10 made to Holy Cross through Simply Giving using checking or savings results in $9.73 to Holy Cross.
  • The transaction fees using your credit/debit card in Simply Giving or PayPal are the same. The fee is $0.30 per transaction and 2.2% of the transaction amount. For example, a contribution of $10 made to Holy Cross using a credit/debit card or PayPal results in $9.48 to Holy Cross.

If you have any questions, please call the church office and ask for the Bookkeeper, the Treasurer, or the Stewardship Chairperson. We will be happy to walk you through the process and answer your questions regarding online giving and transaction fees.

Need help getting it set up or managing your account? Select How to use Vanco Online or How to Give using Vanco Mobile.