Isaiah 9 – Images of Jesus

Merry Christmas once again as Brain talks with Pastor Gimbel and Isaac Conrad about Isaiah chapter 9 today. The conversation starts with pointing out some of the misconceptions that this passage could have brought about, including giving the people at the time an excuse to not accept Jesus as the Messiah. So the question becomes how is this prophecy fulfilled then, since we know it is clearly about Jesus? Brian and Pastor Gimbel each offer their own wonderful explanations with great imagery. What are your thoughts? Please leave your comments below or tell the guys what you think.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. John Bertram

    Per Brian’s invitation to comment.
    We visited “and the government shall be upon his shoulder”
    Then discussed later how the people expected our Messiah to overcome the current governing realm of their time in the governing power…
    And then perception…
    Another view toward perception is easily found today.
    When you are having a bad day.
    Often folk may say or may feel.
    “The weight of the whole world is upon my “Shoulder”.
    With this thought…Can we consider that God’s word through Isaiah means such? That the government would attemp to hold down our Savior?
    We of course know that everything in God’s word is actual and that everything forseen in Isaiah is true.
    Please… more Star Wars!
    But if you’d like to tie in some C.S. Lewis that might be more appropriate.☺

    1. John Bertram

      Great Job Men of God!
      I do so enjoy this podcast!

  2. Pastor Gimbel

    Thanks for your feedback, John! You have such great insights as always, dear brother!

    I have not thought about the aspect of how the word “shoulder” is used, but you make a good point. However, I think when we use the word “shoulder” in the sense of “weight of the world on their shoulder,” usually the shoulders are still the ones ultimately in control of everything. Your comment “Can we consider that God’s word through Isaiah means such? That the government would attempt to hold down our Savior?” to me implies that the government still has power over Jesus (or at least *thinks* they do), which is not the case at all. Just my two cents.

    Anyway, thanks again for your comments and for the feedback. We will try to keep future Star Wars conversation to a minimum in the future as best we can.

    God bless!

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